• art copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Hammer
  • art copyright Dave Haneman
  • aart copyright Robert Hammer rt copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Hammer
  • art copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Oughton
  • art copyright Robert Oughton

Weavings, INK Art Gallery: Group Shows

posted in: gallery news, INKMEN, Weavings | 0

I had the privilege to hang my work in numerous group art shows at Weavings, INK.  Some of the shows gathered local artists to showcase the rich and varied work being done right around our river communities.   Other shows brought together a specific group of artists who shared a love for the medium of pen and ink and called themselves the INKMEN.  There were various themed group shows that challenged me to come up with work representing the stated theme.  The last two months of the year found the gallery transformed into a holiday themed group show, showcasing a wide range of items for sale from jewelry to stuffed animals. I offered my Chinese Calendars and magnets for sale each year including this season.  Don’t miss the chance to experience this unique festive venue before it closes.

Through this opportunity I was able to meet a great many artists and be inspired by their work.  Many times I was able to contribute my art to design the postcards to promote these shows.  I have taken this invaluable experience here at Weavings, INK and joined in many group shows at the York Art Association and outdoor art shows in the area.

